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Benefits of Membership

Seasonal Events

Enjoy free admission to popular seasonal events such as the Spooktacular Halloween Party, Valentine's Day Party, and Spring Fling. 

Our amazing Public Events Team also organizes the annual Kindergarten Social in early June; a free event for all that is open to all Acton-Boxborough families entering Kindergarten in the AB School System the following school year. This event is a great place to meet classmates and tour a school bus!

Local Discounts

ABFN members enjoy a variety of discounts from businesses in our area, including: Be Well and Beyond, Birch Tree Esthetics, Concord Conservatory, Crescent Ridge, Footnotes Music, Huntington Learning Center, JamTime, The Little Gym of Littleton, mPower Athletics, The Parents Estate Planning Law Firm, Revolution Community Yoga, and Teamworks Acton.

Details available under the "Member Resources" tab of the members' login.

Are you a local business looking to connect with members of our community? Please email

Community Service

Throughout the year, ABFN organizes a variety of service events. We have exchanged valentines, gone trick-or-treating, and sang holiday carols at local senior centers. We have toured and collected donations for the Acton Food Pantry and others. We run a biannual diaper drive to benefit First Connections - helping local families in need. We always look forward to park clean up projects and Holiday Helpers to benefit local families.

Family Outings

ABFN plans family outings from September through June, for parents and their children. Activities are scheduled across a range of days and times, to accommodate a mix of schedules and ages. Come with the whole family, or make it a special date with just one child!

Past outings include nature walks, ice skating, and a firehouse tour. Our most popular outings return year after year, such as apple and pumpkin picking and a fun-packed day at Davis Farmland.

Mom's Night Out

Our ABFN MNO events provide moms the space to connect with each other, cultivate friendships, try new things, visit local venues, and relax! Events are typically held monthly, on weeknights and on weekends. See some of our past events below! ABFN provides plenty of snacks for these events and/or subsidizes a portion of the cost of each event.

  - Appetizers/dinner/drinks at local area restaurants

  - Manicures and pedicures

  - A private yoga class at Revolution Community Yoga

  - Wine tasting and picnic-style snacks at Nashoba Valley Winery 

  - Pot Luck Dinners

Dad's Night Out

Dads’ Night Out — those three magic words — that heady excitement that only comes once a month. A few hours of pure freedom in the company of friends. Enjoy this great opportunity to connect with other Dads and see familiar faces. Are you in?

Past events include:

  - Exploring local breweries

 - K1 Speed Racing

  - Rock climbing

  - Pitch and Putt at Kimball's

  - Trivia Night

Clothing Swap

Our bi-annual clothing swap is held each Fall and Spring to bring new life to gently used children’s and maternity clothing. Join other families in donating clothing that can continue to be loved, and attend our swap events to come shopping for new-to-you outfits!

Book Group

Book Group meets regularly to discuss a book we have collectively chosen and read. Genres and themes vary so as to keep discussions lively and thought-provoking. Please join us for great conversation, quite a few laughs, and delicious snacks. Fellas, you’re welcome too!

Whether the selections are fabulous or flops, we always have great discussions, so please join us! It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and have meaningful discussions with intelligent, if not hungry, adults. Happy reading!

Outdoor Adventures

Let’s get out and explore! Come dressed for the weather and join our adventure. Some outings follow a theme with books, crafts, and maybe an experiment. Others are unstructured and we follow the kids' lead!


ABFN playgroups provide a great opportunity to meet other members and create new bonds for you and your child/ren!

How do playgroups work?

  - ABFN maintains a running list of members interested in playgroups.

  - Playgroups are formed by members’ availability and the child’s age. While we try to keep the children in each group close in age, there’s usually some age range within each group.

  - Playgroup members are contacted through emails.

  - Most playgroups meet during the school week but playgroups can meet any day of the week (weekend days too) when members are interested and available.

  - Playgroups typically meet within members’ homes or at local playgrounds. There is a list of local playgrounds and gathering spaces on our resources page.

  - Playgroups are open to all caregivers of Acton-Boxborough Family Network children (Parents, Nannies, Grandparents, etc.).

  - Many long-lasting friendships have formed through ABFN playgroups!

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